Payment methods available:
- PayPal
- credit and debit card payments (through the PayPal, but you don’t need to have PayPal account at all)
- Money Orders for buyers from US (but please note that shipping will be made after payment confirmation)
- bank transfers in USD or EUR (for European buyers)
Combined shipping:
I offer combined shipping. To calculate how much shipping would be just add all items you want to buy and go to cart. Here you can see the total shipping cost based on the total weight of parcel
Shipping from Poland, EU.
I ship worldwide.
All shipments have tracking numbers (signature confirmation).
During 2 (two) business days after order you will receive email with tracking number.
Terms of delivery to EU:
10 -14 days
Terms of delivery to USA, Canada, Australia:
14-24 days
Terms of delivery to the rest of world:
up to 4-5- weeks