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Dyatkovo Lead Crystal Museum

Dyatkovo crystal-glass ware production has existed for over 200 years and has a rich history. The artistic and material qualities of Dyatkovo crystal-glass make it a true pearl of Russian artistic glasswork. Since long ago it has been considered the best cut-glass in Russia. In 1829 Dyatkovo crystal-glass was awarded Gold Medal at the first public exhibition of Russian manufactured articles. “Dyatkovo Crystal-Glass” is a… Read More »Dyatkovo Lead Crystal Museum

how transfer money to sberbank card

How to send money to Russia

If you sometime try to buy anything from Russia, especially on their inner auctions and online flea markets, you probably know that there are two main problems: Conversation with russian seller to get his agree to send the goodies abroad How to pay to seller from Russia Best way to transfer money to Russia TransferWise, a global money transfer solution. I’ve had some excellent results… Read More »How to send money to Russia

Julius Stolle Niemen insulators

Julius Stolle-Niemen glass factory history chronicle

Years 1883-1998 1883 The landlord Zenon Lensky forwarded the petition of to the Vilna province administration: “The petitioner of this is willing to organize a glass works for processing glass and glass ware in the forest villa of mine estate of Zaenchitsy and for this purpose he would like to receive the permission of the proper authorities”. 1885 In the list of plants and works… Read More »Julius Stolle-Niemen glass factory history chronicle

Neman cut glass

Day of the glasswork industry

November 19 – day when the Russia celebrates Day of the glasswork industry. Workers holiday glass industry is no accident coincides with the birthday of a prominent Russian scientist MV Lomonosov. Mikhail Lomonosov was the founder of chemical production glazes, glass, porcelain. Develop technology and formulation of colored glass, which he used to create mosaic patterns. Invented porcelain mass. Glass, without which it is currently… Read More »Day of the glasswork industry

insulator DBZ Dyadkovo N2

Insulators – Hidden Obsession

It will be a story about a glass insulator and a first class seller, Jew Basil.  But before I continue, I would like to define the terms. What is eBay at all? This is a market the size of a planet. A place where anyone can sell or buy any thing. But not just. To get what you want, you need to compete with other… Read More »Insulators – Hidden Obsession

Antique insulators

Where you can find antique insulators?

Collecting – professional duty geologist. In exploring the depths necessary to gather a collection of rocks, minerals, ores, nonmetallic minerals, solids and liquids, natural building materials, fossils. For thirty years I spent in Kolyma and Chukotka, and now that I live and work in the Polar Urals, in the eyes of all look Magadan geologist.  From Magadan to the Polar Ural Awesome powerful compression zone… Read More »Where you can find antique insulators?

Purple insulators

Purple glass insulators

In my personal rating, purple and lilac insulators of different shades rank second in rarity. The first place among the rare Russian insulators, if you take color as a criterion – certainly belongs to amber shades.